Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Multitouch Piano HD v1.0.1 For webOS 3.0.0

Multitouch Piano HD v1.0.1 For webOS 3.0.0. Multitouch Piano HD is the first choice when it comes to pianos for you're brand new TouchPad! It naturally supports multiple fingers so you can easily play songs with complex chords without the need for a real piano. The beautifully sampled sounds have a warm timbre to them and you can quickly adjust the keyboard's position to play all keys within the full six provided octaves. Even when you're on the go and that great idea for a song pops up in your head, just try it out quickly on your TouchPad with Multitouch Piano HD. Use the sustain pedal to add more expression to your playing. It's like a real piano: It just works!

Multitouch Piano

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