M3D Benchmark v1.10 For Android 2.1+. Benchmark app which you can almost understand how much is your android device power to handle 3d games and apps.
This Benchmark is created with Unity 3d game engine (game engine of Shadowgun) and it is based on OpenGL ES 2.0 with This API (OpenGL ES 2.0) your device can handle Advanced rendering techniques like rendering bump maps.
Most contents of this benchmark is from unity3d BootCamp Demo in another word it’s almost a MOD.
This Benchmark is created with Unity 3d game engine (game engine of Shadowgun) and it is based on OpenGL ES 2.0 with This API (OpenGL ES 2.0) your device can handle Advanced rendering techniques like rendering bump maps.
Most contents of this benchmark is from unity3d BootCamp Demo in another word it’s almost a MOD.